Plugin hau ez da probatu WordPressen azken 3 bertsio garrantzitsuenekin. Baliteke, jada, mantentze edo euskarririk ez izatea, eta, WordPressen bertsio berriagoekin erabiltzen denean, bateragarritasun arazoak izan ditzake.

Remote API


A basic use case for this plugin would be lazy loading content segments or performing cross-blog actions.
It includes a simple example for lazy loading widgets, but is mainly aimed for developers who like to built on top of this functionality.


  • Url Format in form of http://<blogname>/<server_entry_key>/<request_string>/<server_format_key>/<format> in order to allow server side caching of requests without setting up a huge set of rewrite rules. The request string contains all request parameters
  • Variable response formats. Comes with xml and json bundled in response.php but can be extended to your needs
  • Exceptions with custom exception handler are used throughout the classes to allow error feedback in the requested response format.

Please have a look at the inline documentation starting from remote-api.php. To get a sense of the usage have a look at the examples

Lazy Loading Widget Example

The Lazy Loading Widget example is a basic use case for this script. It’s UI is still not very tuned, but should give an impression on what can be done with this remote-api.

When you visit your widget administration at /wp-admin/widgets.php you’ll notice a widget called “Remote_API_Lazy_Widget”. Drag it to one of your sidebars where you would like to have some asynchronously loaded widget appear and give it a Title. Then reload the widgets.php page.

A new sidebar should appear in which you can drop other widgets. The widgets you’ll drop in this sidebar will be loaded asynchronously via a ajax request in place of the placeholder widget.


  • Widget admin interface showing the widget (left), the placeholder widget in the primary sidebar (top-right) and the resulting sidebar / dropzone for the placeholder widget (bottom-right)


Ez dago berrikuspenik plugin honentzat.

Laguntzaileak eta Garatzaileak

“Remote API” software librea da. Ondoko pertsonek egin dizkiote ekarpenak plugin honi.


Itzul zaitez Remote API zure hizkuntzara.

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Araka kodea, begiratu SVN biltegia edo harpidetu garapen erregistrora RSS bidez.

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  • Add support for full stops (.) in server parameters and switch to remote.api as default url to avoid conflicts with page names.
  • Switching to hash_hmac instead of crypt for request format validation string.


  • Basic implementation