Automatically remove exif and metadata data after uploading. Just moment supported format: JPG and PNG. Using ImageMagick
- Upload the directory ‘remove-exif-and-metadata’ to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory
- Gaitu plugina WordPress-eko ‘Pluginak’ menutik
- Upload images while writing posts and pages.
2024(e)ko maiatzaren 16(a)
The plugin does what it says on the tin, and that’s good. It may however be doing it too well: it also strips the transparency channel of PNGs.
I just disabled it to upload a bunch of PNGs, and that was a functional one-off workaround. This may get in the way when you have more of a distribution of transparent PNGs and EXIF-ladden JPGs to upload regularly, though.
2024(e)ko urtarrilaren 4(a)
Broke my client’s website on version 6.4.2, don’t download if you’re using this version
2019(e)ko martxoaren 26(a)
Still does what it says it will
2017(e)ko otsailaren 21(a)
Been searching on how to remove the guff from Olympus photos and i came up against a patch to WP that had never been implemented (i think) and a lot of comments surrounding it. Will post the link in there to here. Nice work. Hopefully it never needs updating.
You have to upload your photos through a page/post or as i discovered it also works when adding a product (woocommerce) too. You can bulk upload everything through these methods and it strips the exif data.
Thank you so much!
2016(e)ko irailaren 3(a)
1 reply
Fixed the issue about the iphone photo orientation.
Laguntzaileak eta Garatzaileak
“Remove exif and metadata” software librea da. Ondoko pertsonek egin dizkiote ekarpenak plugin honi.
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- This is the initial version.