RestaurantOps is the easiest way to add restaurant online ordering to your site.
Don’t get left behind by high fees from competitors. Use our affordable online ordering solution built specifically for restaurants.
Often, you don’t need more traffic to close more sales. You just need to talk to visitors when they’re live on your site. Help customers who get stuck, encourage them to use your product, and get critical feedback – all inside your app, in real-time.
Get Online Orders
We integrate directly with your clover system to allow you to process sales.
Online Ordering.
POS Integration
POS Notifications.
After enabling the plug in, head on to the widget customization page to change settings and integrate its look and feel to match your site. When done, enable it by visiting the account configuration page and completing the instant signup process.
Server Requirements: PHP4 or PHP5.
WordPress versions: WordPress 2.7 and up.
Note: You will need a RestaurantOps account : Create one for free here!.
Step-by-step Guide:
- Install plugin from WordPress directory and activate it.
- Under company settings section, click on RestaurantOps to add your RestaurantOps embed code
- Add the following shortcode in your content where you would like the widget to appear:
- Use your Clover POS or register your Stripe Account with RestaurantOps
- Finally, start accepting orders for your restaurant.
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Aldaketen loga
- improvement: updated tested version
- Feature: Updated Widget to embed in site.
- Feature: Add the RestaurantOps widget to your site!