If you have a WooCommerce store, Sales Manager For WooCommerce is a FREE WordPress plugin that helps you launch and schedule % sales/discounts on your store more easily. You can schedule multiple sales in advance by setting a starting date/time and an ending datetime, filter by including/excluding categories or other custom taxonomies (brands, attributes, etc.).
- Launch % sales on your store easily
- Schedule sales with precision (select a beginning date/time and an ending date/time)
- Set up a sales schedule in advance, each sale will be started and stopped automatically
- Filter by any taxonomy terms to include/exclude (category, brand, tags, attributes …)
- Compatible with any WooCommerce Shop/custom taxonomies
- Set a custom list of specific products to ignore when launching sales
Plugin Links
- Unzip the download package
- Upload
to the/wp-content/plugins/
directory - Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
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/2.0 – 2020.12.14/
– The plugin now uses a custom post type “Scheduled Sales”.
– Added “All Scheduled Sales” page in admin dashboard. Multiple % sales can now be defined and scheduled in advance.
– Sales are launched automatically in the background for convenience (previously it was using AJAX), now you don’t need to keep the page open.
– Filtering now works with categories, brands, tags, attributes, etc.
– Filtering now allows both include/exclude rules.
– It is now possible to combine multiple filters when defining a sale (for example: “50% off all blue t-shirts by brand X”).
/1.0 – 2020.07.21/
– Initial Release