Boost the conversion rate of your WordPress or WooCommerce store with Salesfire’s suite of intelligent CRO tools.
Get in touch with Salesfire here:
Install the plugin.
Go to Settings > Salesfire.
Enable tracking and enter your Salesfire ID.
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Aldaketen loga
1.0.7 – 2025-01-08
- Tested compatibility with WordPress 6.7.
1.0.6 – 2023-11-06
- Tested compatibility with WordPress 6.4.
1.0.5 – 2023-08-31
- Tested compatibility with WordPress 6.3.1.
1.0.4 – 2022-08-18
- Fixed tracking to use correct parent and product IDs and include quantity.
1.0.3 – 2022-08-09
- Updated purchase tracking to subtract discount from revenue.
1.0.2 – 2022-03-08
- Updated tracking to include platform event.
1.0.1 – 2022-01-31
- Fix script injection timing.
1.0.0 – 2021-10-09
- Initial release