Plugin hau ez da probatu WordPressen azken 3 bertsio garrantzitsuenekin. Baliteke, jada, mantentze edo euskarririk ez izatea, eta, WordPressen bertsio berriagoekin erabiltzen denean, bateragarritasun arazoak izan ditzake.

Skysa Text Ticker App


The Skysa Text Ticker App displays a Ticker (Scrolling Message) of any text you choose. In the App Settings you can set how wide the ticker displays on your Skysa bar and the speed you want it to scroll. When the ticker is hovered over the tool tip shows the full text. If a Link URL has been set, the user will be directed to it when they click the scrolling message.
More Skysa App plugins -|||- Skysa App Bar Integration plugin


  • Text Ticker app settings.
  • Some of the preset styles available when the the Skysa App Bar Integration plugin is also active on a website. All preset styles can be fully customized.


  1. Install the Skysa Text Ticker App either via the plugin directory, or by uploading the files to your server (in the /wp-content/plugins/ directory).
  2. Activate the plugin.
  3. Customize your Scrolling Message in the Text Ticker app settings located in Skysa Bar Apps > Text Ticker on your WordPress admin menu.


For added style customization and display options, you can install the Skysa App Bar Integration plugin and connect it to a Skysa account.


Ez dago berrikuspenik plugin honentzat.

Laguntzaileak eta Garatzaileak

“Skysa Text Ticker App” software librea da. Ondoko pertsonek egin dizkiote ekarpenak plugin honi.


Aldaketen loga


  • Insured support for WordPress 4.0


  • Fixed bug that caused the app not to load if specific characters were used in the settings.


  • Support for WordPress 3.5.1 Added.


  • Fixed compatibility issue with WordPress version 3.5.


  • Fixed an issue with MySQL database configurations set to require UTF8


  • Updated Skysa Required files to version 1.7; corrects a potential issue with settings database table creation.


  • Initial Release