A potential client visits the page and can step by step choose the configuration of goods and / or services.
Each step has several options to choose from and options, if any, for each of the options.
As a result, an amount is formed, and it is possible to send this selected configuration to the mail or create an application
for the site administrator.
Useful Links
To install this plugin:
- Upload the plugin to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
- Go to “Plugins” in your WordPress admin, then click “Activate”
How to add the created calculator to the page?
Using the shortcode [steptotal id=”12554″] Where id is the id of the calculator.
How to change the option name?
The plugin uses two names (Title & name option). The title directly in the material is used for official use. And the name of the option is what is displayed on the front.
How to swap options?
For this, the Order field is used. The lower the number, the higher the location.
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v 1.0 – first public plugin