This plugin adds suport for the TwentyFifteen theme to the Styles plugin.
About Styles TwentyFifteen
Using this plugin with the Styles plugin you can instantly change the style of the TwentyFifteen theme from the customizer.
Features of the plugin
- Instant previews
- Testuaren tamainua
- Google letra-motak
- Text colors
- Border colors
- Background colors
- Hundreds of options
- Consistent interface and names in every theme
- Built on WordPress customizer, so Styles grows as WordPress grows
Styles and options for all built-in WordPress themes are free. More themes are available at
Free Themes
Developer Resources
- Styles on Github
- Brainstorm Media on Github
- Code Walkthrough: How to add support for your own themes
- Upload the
folder to the/wp-content/plugins/
directory - Upload the
styles-twentyfifteen folder to the
/wp-content/plugins/` directory - Activate both plugins through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
- Edit your site under
Appearance > Customize
- I activated this plugin, but nothing happened!
This is an add-on plugin for Styles that adds support for this theme. Make sure you have both this plugin and the Styles plugin installed, then check out all your new options under
WordPress Admin > Appearance > Customize
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