SVS Quiz & Survey & Contact – Visual Builder is a WordPress plugin that makes it easy to create and publish quizes, surveys and contact forms using a wizard and a visual builder. SVS Quiz & Survey & Contact works with any WordPress theme and you can publish your quizes/surveys/forms anywhere on your site using a shortcode.
– Create a quiz/survey/form using drag & drop
– See submissions in the admin
– Drag and drop & re-ordering
– Shortcode support
– Intuitive User Interface (visual builder)
Available fields:
– Layout / static text / header
– Text input / name / email / phone
– DropDown / Single Select / Multi Select
- Upload wp_svs_quiz_survey_contact directory to the
directory - Activate the plugin through the \’Plugins\’ menu in WordPress
- Create Pricing Tables using \”SVS Quiz\” menu in WordPress Admin
- What is the current development stage of this plugin?
This plugin is still very limited and untested. We are working hard to improve it.
- How do I report a bug?
Please send us an email to We appreciate user contribution in improving the plugin.
- I want some additional features for this plugin.
We are always open to new ideas and great features to implement in our plugin. If we will consider your feature useful for our users, we will implement it.
- Where can I get support for this plugin?
You can contact us using our page
- Do you have any documentation for this plugin?
We are working hard to get this done as well.
- Do you provide any design templates for your forms?
The forms are blank, with no design at this moment.
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Aldaketen loga
- Initial Release.