Pluginaren Etiketa: anti-spam
Google Invisible reCaptcha by ThreatPress
(1 balorazioak)A simple plugin to integrate the new Invisible reCAPTCHA into your WordPress site.
NO admin premium NAGS
(3 balorazioak)Simply stop the abusive admin nags from All in One SEO plugin and as well from YOAST Seo! Plus: Add your own CSS to the Admin Area.
NIX Anti-Spam Light
(3 balorazioak)Easy-to-use tool to get rid of spam attacking your website AntiSpamLight is developed to help you to forget about annoying spam bots! No more spam and …
IP Ban
(0 balorazioak)Returns 'Page Not Found' 404 error message for IP's visiting your blog specified in the IP Ban option on the Discussion Options page.
CAPTCHA Solution
(0 balorazioak)CAPTCHA Solution is a CAPTCHA module intended to be called from other plugins. It is originally created for my Contact Form 7 plugin.
Mailgun Email Validator
(25 balorazioak)Kick spam with a highly advanced email validation in comment forms, user registration and contact forms using Mailgun's Email validation service.
CaptchaFox for WordPress
(3 balorazioak)CaptchaFox is an easy-to-use and GDPR compliant bot protection service. Protect your WordPess forms from malicious bot traffic!
Buddypress Humanity
(1 balorazioak)This plugin adds a security question to the Buddypress registration page.
Formidable Anti-Spam
(1 balorazioak)A lightweight Formidable Pro anti-spam add-on that requires no interaction with the user.
No Disposable Email
(5 balorazioak)This plugin protects your registered user base by preventing registration with a disposable email addresse (like the ones provided by mailinator).
(0 balorazioak)Description: Get rid of Gravity Forms spam submissions with GravityCaptcha!
Stop Search Spam
(2 balorazioak)The plugin blocks internal site search spam (what lowers your site's ranking in the Google).
Language-based Comment Spam Condom
(0 balorazioak)This plugin prevents comments spamming using language verification.
SimpleForm Akismet
(0 balorazioak)Do you get junk emails through your contact form? This plugin for SimpleForm helps prevent spam submission.
Lemin Cropped Captcha
(0 balorazioak)Lemin Captcha is uniquely playful, robust, and effective. Through gamification, we are curing the pains of traditional CAPTCHA.
(1 balorazioak)Protect your WordPress site from disposable email addresses using the UserCheck API.
Spam Notifier
(1 balorazioak)The plugin sends an email message when a comment goes to the spam folder.
Project Honey Pot Spam Trap
(1 balorazioak)Automatically scatters invisible links to Project Honey Pot spam traps throughout your wordpress blog to help catch and stop spammers.