Pluginaren Etiketa: fediverse
(29 balorazioak)ActivityPub protokoloa, ActivityStream 2.0 formatuan oinarrituta dagoen sare sozial deszentralizatua da.
Simple Mastodon Verification
(3 balorazioak)Provides a General Settings menu option to define a rel=\"me\" in metatags for the whole site and also individual contributors.
Link Verification for Mastodon
(4 balorazioak)An unofficial WordPress plugin to quickly verify a link on your Mastodon profile.
Enable Mastodon Apps
(4 balorazioak)Allow accessing your WordPress with Mastodon clients. Just enter your own blog URL as your instance.
Add Fediverse Icons to Jetpack
(0 balorazioak)Adds Fediverse icons to Jetpack's Social Menu module.
Simple fediverse:creator
(0 balorazioak)Provides a General Settings menu option to define a fediverse:creator in metatags for the whole site and also individual contributors.
(0 balorazioak)Pterotype expands your audience by giving your blog an ActivityPub stream, making it a part of the Fediverse.
(0 balorazioak)This plugin allows you to embed a list of events or a single event from your Gancio website using a shortcode.
Author rel=me Link
(0 balorazioak)Add a rel="me" link to the head of an author page, if the author has a website set in their profile.