Simple Image Widget

A simple widget that makes it a breeze to add images to your sidebars.

Cedaro 20.000+ instalazio aktibo Proba 6.2.5 WordPress bertsioarekin egin da 10 hilabete egun eguneratuta

WP Copyright

Enforces copyright discipline by blurring all uploaded images as long as the associated copyright info… 70+ instalazio aktibo Proba 4.9.25 WordPress bertsioarekin egin da 5 urte egun eguneratuta

Haxy Image Widget

A haxy widget that makes it a breeze to add images to your sidebars and…

Rimaz Rauf 20+ instalazio aktibo Proba 4.2.37 WordPress bertsioarekin egin da 9 urte egun eguneratuta

EZ-done File Manager

Upload your files to the EZ-done File Manager and categorize them to your liking.

MS / Marius Schmitz / FD Frank Duran 10+ instalazio aktibo Proba 4.9.25 WordPress bertsioarekin egin da 6 urte egun eguneratuta

Block Editor Media Manager

💍 The lord of the media. A WordPress plugin to rule them all media.

Damián Suárez (retrofox) 10 baino gutxiago instalazio aktibo Proba 5.8.0 WordPress bertsioarekin egin da 3 urte egun eguneratuta