Quote Comments

An important note: the plugin was adopted and it will be updated a few times…

Stanko Metodiev 200+ instalazio aktibo Proba 5.8.9 WordPress bertsioarekin egin da 2 urte egun eguneratuta


Texy! is text-to-HTML formatter and converter library. It allows you to write structured documents without…

Peter Kahoun, David Grudl, Acci 20+ instalazio aktibo Proba 2.9.2 WordPress bertsioarekin egin da 14 urte egun eguneratuta


This plugin allows you to write posts using Markdown, DokuWiki, MediaWiki, reStructuredText, textile, HatenaSyntax, BBcode,…

Koichi Nakashima 10+ instalazio aktibo Proba 3.9.40 WordPress bertsioarekin egin da 10 urte egun eguneratuta

Textile Tools

With this plugin you can have an interface to IPFS, Libp2p and Filecoin from your…

Ricardo Guzman 10+ instalazio aktibo Proba 5.7.11 WordPress bertsioarekin egin da 3 urte egun eguneratuta