Pluginaren Etiketa: widget
Zoom image simple script
(0 balorazioak)Zoom image simple script is a simple wordpress plugin that overlays an big (high resolution) image directly on top of the small (thumbnail) image.
Job Manager by JobScore
(3 balorazioak)Simplify and Improve Your Hiring using JobScore's Job Manager plugin.
Block Widgets Monster
(2 balorazioak)Quick and easy testing of multiple WordPress and/or WooCommerce block/legacy widgets. Not intended for production use.
Search Tag Cloud
(0 balorazioak)Show a Tag Cloud displaying the most popular searches performed by your users in your blog.
(0 balorazioak)This plugin will add a configurable widget to display social media icons in your widget area(s). Icons are 32×32, squared edges, and display inline.
WP Widget Preview
(0 balorazioak)Enables a preview mode for widgets. In preview mode, widgets are only visible for admins.
Quick Contact Box
(0 balorazioak)Quick contact box is a nice widget that shows phone numbers, address and email
Periodic Table Widget
(1 balorazioak)This is a periodic table widget, which show one element at a time with some information about the element.
Simple exit popup
(0 balorazioak)Simple exit pop up plugin that uses jQuery and the Animate style library to display the pop up box when users try to exit the browser window.
Smashwords Book Widget
(0 balorazioak)Displays one or more random book covers of a Smashwords author. Can be used by authors to display their work, by fans or by affiliate partners.
Tolstoy Comments
(0 balorazioak)Tolstoy Comments – Быстрая real-time система комментирования с геймификацией и авторизацией через соцсети.
Single Mailchimp
(1 balorazioak)Single Opt-In AJAX Mailchimp Newsletter form for Wordpress. You can switch between single opt-in and double opt-in. Use it as Widget or Shortcode.
Best Rating & Pageviews
(3 balorazioak)Add Star rating, pageviews and adds a tool for analyzing the effectiveness of content with the supplied shortcode.
Guardian News Headlines
(2 balorazioak)Shows the latest headlines from a selectable news category in a sidebar widget. Headlines link to the live article on the Guardian.
KCPT Fading Image Widget
(1 balorazioak)A simple image widget, you can set a url for the image to link to upon click. You can also specify a title, and a 2nd image which the 1st image will …
NewPath WildApricotPress Add-on – iFrame Widget
(0 balorazioak)The iFrame Widget block enables NewPath WildApricot Press customers to insert WildApricot iframe widgets into a post or page without needing to know t …