This TD Multiple Roles plugin provides a user interface and allows you to select multiple roles for a user.
It hides the default role dropdown list and displays a list of role checkboxes for both new user and update user page.
Multiple roles can be visible from the All User list page.
🌟 Plugin Features:
- Easy to install and use
- Fully integrated in wordpress
- Select multiple roles
- No extra settings required
👍 Feedback/Rating:
If you find this plugin helpful, feel free to give us your valuable review. Rate us and share this plugin with your friends and others. This will motivate us and help us to grow.
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Install TD Multiple Roles Plugin as a regular WordPress plugin. Here are different ways to install plugin:
Install by search plugin:
- In your Admin, go to menu Plugins > Add New
- Search TD Multiple Roles Plugin
- Click to install
- Activate the plugin
Install by upload plugin:
- Download the latest version of TD Multiple Roles Plugin (.zip file)
- In your Admin, go to menu Plugins > Add New
- Select “Upload Plugin”
- Click on “Choose File”
- Select downloaded and click on “Install Now” button
- Activate the plugin
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Aldaketen loga
- Initial release
- Fixed text domain slug