Import ThemeSara official themes demo content, widgets and theme settings with just one click.
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Images License
- [CCO License]
From your WordPress dashboard
- Visit ‘Plugins > Add New’
- Search for themesara Toolkit
- Activate Themesara Toolkit plugin from your Plugins page.
- Go to the Appearance -> Demo Data
- Download themesara toolkit.
- Upload the ‘themesara-toolkit’ directory to your ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory, using your favorite method (ftp, sftp, scp, etc…)
- Activate themesara Toolkit from your Plugins page.
- Go to the Customizer (Appearance -> Customize) to add custom color to your site.
1. What is the plugin license?
This plugin is released under a GPL license.
2. What themes this plugin supports?
The plugin currently only supports ThemeSara Themes.
3. Where I can see the Settings?
Check all the available options inside Appearance > One Click Demo Import.
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