Translate Gravity Forms x Polylang


This WordPress plugin adds form titles, descriptions, field labels, etc. to Polylang string translations


Install and activate the plugin. After this, your translatable strings will appear in the “Translations” tab of PolyLang.


2024(e)ko urriaren 17(a)
The only plugin I found for translating the strings of (Gravity) Forms Clean up the String Translation Database of Polylang and you are good to go.No problems with the website or PHP 8. I saw it already works on confirmations and notifications. Thanks a lot for this plugin!
2024(e)ko otsailaren 13(a)
Simple plugin that adds the labels of Gravity Form inputs to the String Translation List of Polylang. Works great for me. Would be nice if it could be extended to confirmations and maybe even notifications.
2024(e)ko urtarrilaren 16(a)
Nice project but generates a PHP fatal error in the front end… Please fix, it will be useful 🙂
Irakurri 4 berrikuspenak

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  • Fixed PHP Fatal Error on frontend.


  • Fixed “Undefined array key page” error.
  • Updated code styling