Deskripzioa is now

Please install the new version of this plugin. is a powerful WordPress plugin that prevents disposable or throwaway email addresses from registering or commenting on your site. This helps to protect your site from spam and maintain the quality of your user base.

Key Features

  • Automatically checks email addresses against a constantly updated database of disposable email domains
  • Works out of the box with no configuration required
  • No API key needed
  • Caches results for improved performance
  • Seamlessly integrates with WordPress registration and comment forms

The plugin uses the API provided by, which is constantly updated to include the latest disposable email domains. This ensures your site stays protected against new disposable email providers. is free to use and starts working immediately after installation. No registration or configuration is required.


  1. Upload the mailcheck-ai folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. That’s it! Your site is now protected against disposable email addresses.


Does require an API key?

No, does not require an API key. It works out of the box after installation without any additional configuration.

Is compatible with other email validation plugins?

Yes, is designed to work seamlessly with other email validation plugins. However, please note that using multiple email validation plugins might cause conflicts or unexpected behavior.

Can I customize the error message displayed to users with disposable email addresses?

Currently, does not provide an option to customize the error message. The default WordPress error message for invalid email addresses will be displayed.

How often is the disposable email domain database updated?

The API is updated in real-time. Your plugin will always check against the most current database of disposable email domains.

Does this plugin slow down my website? is designed to have minimal impact on your website’s performance. It uses caching to store results for 1 hour, reducing the number of API calls and improving response times.


2020(e)ko azaroaren 26(a)
My testing hasn’t been exhaustive, but thus far, this plugin works perfectly! Looked up a few temp email generators, used them to try to register on my site and wasn’t able to. Was curious about what would happen if I used an email service which isn’t technically a disposable email site but is commonly used when people don’t want to give out their real email and was pleased that the core domain still allowed people to register, but none of the alias addresses provided by that same service would work (which is exactly what I want). Great job!
2020(e)ko irailaren 4(a)
Simple plugin connected to a free service that just works. No configuration, no API key, no nonsense. Thanks much!
2019(e)ko uztailaren 7(a)
No options, light weight and effective addition to combat spam and account creation. And to boot, it seems to work very well on Multisite too!
2017(e)ko abenduaren 18(a)
This plugin works great! The service works well, nothing is 100% and won’t block all temp emails but it gets updated frequently and new domains are added all the time. I would recommend this plugin for everyone who allows registration on their site.
Irakurri 4 berrikuspenak

Laguntzaileak eta Garatzaileak

“” software librea da. Ondoko pertsonek egin dizkiote ekarpenak plugin honi.


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Aldaketen loga


  • Update the API endpoint


  • Improved code structure and organization
  • Enhanced error handling and security checks
  • Updated to follow WordPress coding standards
  • Improved caching mechanism
  • Added compatibility with WordPress 5.2+
  • Added minimum PHP version requirement (7.2)


  • Update WordPress compatibility
  • Rename the cache key


  • Improved URL encoding when constructing the request URL
  • Added a condition to check the API response code
  • Added an expiration time to the API response cache


  • Update WordPress compatibility and rebrand from to


  • Update WordPress compatibility


  • Cache domains


  • Update WordPress compatibility


  • Update WordPress compatibility


  • First version