“W2O Football Fans Admin Color Schemes” is a set of new admin color schemes for football (soccer) fans. You can set a color scheme of your favorite football team or club of which you are a fan of, for your admin.
The plugin also adds a badge/logo of the particular football team or club (of the color scheme you select) at the bottom of the left side menu section of wp admin.
There are all together 27 new admin color schemes based on football team/club (12 clubs + 15 countries). Enjoy!!!
If you like this plugin then why don’t you drop an email at saying “I loved it…”. I would really appreciate that.
Upload the “W2O Football Fans Admin Color Schemes” plugin to your /wp-content/plugins/
directory, Activate it.
Then go to “Your Profile” page and select a color scheme of your favorite football team or club.
1, 2, 3: You’re done. Very Simple!
- Installation Instructions
Upload the “W2O Football Fans Admin Color Schemes” plugin to your
directory, Activate it.Then go to “Your Profile” page and select a color scheme of your favorite football team or club.
1, 2, 3: You’re done. Very Simple!
Laguntzaileak eta Garatzaileak
“W2O Football Fans Admin Color Schemes” software librea da. Ondoko pertsonek egin dizkiote ekarpenak plugin honi.
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- Successfully tested the plugin up to WordPress 4.9.7
- Successfully tested the plugin up to WordPress 4.9.6
- Successfully tested the plugin up to WordPress 4.9.5
- Successfully tested the plugin up to WordPress 4.9.4
- Successfully tested the plugin up to WordPress 4.9.3
- Successfully tested the plugin up to WordPress 4.9.2
- Successfully tested the plugin up to WordPress 4.9.1
- Successfully tested the plugin up to WordPress 4.9
- Made some minor changes
- Added a DONATE link. I now wanna some beer guys!!! 🙂
- Successfully tested the plugin up to WordPress 4.8.1
- Successfully tested the plugin up to WordPress 4.8
- Successfully tested the plugin on WordPress 4.7.1
- Successfully tested the plugin on WordPress 4.7
- Made some changes on Tags, Descriptions, Plugin URI, Author URI etc.
- Successfully tested the plugin on WordPress 4.6.1
- Successfully tested the plugin on WordPress 4.6
- Successfully tested the plugin on WordPress 4.5.4
- Successfully tested the plugin on WordPress 4.5.3
- Successfully tested the plugin on WordPress 4.5.2
- Successfully tested the plugin on WordPress 4.5.1
- Successfully tested the plugin on WordPress 4.5
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