Plugin hau ez da probatu WordPressen azken 3 bertsio garrantzitsuenekin. Baliteke, jada, mantentze edo euskarririk ez izatea, eta, WordPressen bertsio berriagoekin erabiltzen denean, bateragarritasun arazoak izan ditzake.

Which Elementor Addon


Which Elementor Addon is a simple lightweight plugin. It will help you to find out the widget’s plugin name that you have used in creating your web pages/posts in the simplest way. 😁

In the market, there are plenty of Third-Party Elementor Addons which are enhancing the design system of Elementor. While we are creating a website with Elementor Page builder we all try several addons to make a lucrative website. Because some have a set of better widgets other has a different one.

After finishing a webpage, it’s really tough for everyone to recall everything, which widgets have been used in the time of creating a web page. Currently, if we want to find out the plugin name of the widgets that we are using, we have to go to the editing mode of every single page and edit every section to find out the name of the widgets. It’s too much time-consuming. Or we can find it from inspecting the elements of the browser with the class id of the widgets. It also needs time and coding knowledge. 😐

But this Which Elementor Addon plugin will save your valuable time. All you need is to install and activate the plugin first and go to pages, Edit with Elementor and just hover every widget and you will see the plugin name of that addon in Top-Left side. πŸ˜ƒ

Why You Need This! πŸ€”

Now, most of the popular Elementor Addons comes with the On-Demand Asset Loading feature. You have the freedom to disable the unused widgets from the admin panel of those plugins. If you do that your site will not be blotted with unwanted elements. And you will be able to ensure the fastest speed of your site. And Which Elementor Addon will help to find the used widgets and you can easily disable your unused widgets. Indirectly, this plugin will help you in speeding up your website πŸ˜‰


This plugin doesn’t ask extra from you, just this one πŸ˜‰πŸ‘‡
1. 🌞 Elementor Page Builder

Looking For Your Feedback 😊

I’m looking for your suggestion and feedback on how I can help you in a better way without taking any hassle at your end. Feel free to share your opinion. Your opinion will inspire me to improve and new functionality. And please don’t forget to share your feelings through ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ ratting πŸ˜ƒ


  • In Action – Which Elementor Addon
  • Settings Page – Which Elementor Addon
  • Editor View – Which Elementor Addon
  • Frontend View – Which Elementor Addon


It’s really easy and super simple to install Which Elementor Addon plugin but before installing Which Elementor Addon make sure you are really an Elementor user.

Automatic Installation

  1. Go to Plugins > Add New screen in WordPress.
  2. Search for Which Elementor Addon.
  3. Install and activate the plugin, that’s it.

Manual Installation

  1. Download Which Elementor Addon.
  2. Extract the file. You’ll get plugin files inside directory.
  3. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/which-elementor-addon directory.
  4. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress.


2021(e)ko ekainaren 16(a) 1 reply
This is an excellent plugin. Allowed me to quickly confirm that one of the widget libraries I installed is actually not used and could be deleted.
2021(e)ko maiatzaren 28(a) 1 reply
Just a request: create a page where list all the widgets used like Find my blocks
Irakurri 24 berrikuspenak

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“Which Elementor Addon” software librea da. Ondoko pertsonek egin dizkiote ekarpenak plugin honi.


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Aldaketen loga

1.2.0 – 19 March 2021

  • New: WP 5.7 compatibilty
  • New: Latest elementor and elementor pro compatibilty
  • New: Only users with edit_posts capability can see the label now
  • Fix: Subscribers can see the label on frontend issue

1.1.0 – 3 May 2020

  • New: Only logged in users can see label now (*user suggested feature) – share your idea

1.0.1 – 10 March 2019

  • Fix: get_plugins() undefined function error

1.0.0 – 30 December 2019

  • New: Added label settings panel inside Elementor (fully compatible and native experience)
  • New: Label enable/disable setting on frontend and backend
  • New: Label visibility on hover or always
  • New: 3 different label position setting
  • New: Show widget name with plugin name setting

0.0.7 – James Bond

  • New: Which Elementor Addon – completely brand new plugin in