Automatically archive old orders. Old statuses are kept to allow revert. It simply lighten the “all orders” view.
- Upload
to the/wp-content/plugins/
directory - Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress admin
- You can edit defaults settings in Woocommerce » Settings » Advanced » Archives
- Are archived order still accessible?
Yes. They’re all listed in the “archived” section, but you can still see there previous status.
- Wich order statuses are supported?
All. Every order statuses (even custom ones) are cloned to an “archived” version. For examplce: «Completed» and «Completed (archived)»
- Can I choose max age for orders?
Yes. Out of the box, you have to archive manually your orders, but you can set a max age in Woocommerce » Settings » Advanced » Archives. Every order older than your setting will be archived.
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- Initial release