Plugin hau ez da probatu WordPressen azken 3 bertsio garrantzitsuenekin. Baliteke, jada, mantentze edo euskarririk ez izatea, eta, WordPressen bertsio berriagoekin erabiltzen denean, bateragarritasun arazoak izan ditzake.

WooCommerce Hide Checkout Shipping Address


Some shipping methods in WooCommerce just don’t need a shipping address. It can even be confusing for your customers to fill in a shipping address when they select a method like the local pick up method. Why would they be asked for that information if it doesn’t make sense?

This plugin hides the shipping address form fields at the checkout page when your customers select a shipping method that doesn’t require that information. You can turn this feature on and off for each shipping method individually at their settings pages. As a bonus, on the main shipping settings page you can select the effect of hiding and showing the form fields.

This plugin should work with any WooCommerce installation, since it hooks up to the core functionality of WooCommerce. Note that at least version 2.2.0 of WooCommerce is required. If the shipping address fields are not hiding/showing, please check your theme files first to see if they are overruling the standard WooCommerce checkout pages. If that is the case, please contact the creator of that theme first.

The plugin language is English. Dutch language files are included. Feel free to send your translation to me, so I can include it in the plugin.

Proudly presented to you by Web Whales.


  • You can change the shipping address fields hide/show effect at the WooCommerce shipping settings page
  • You can enable and disable this feature for each method individually


  1. Download the archive and unzip it in /wp-content/plugins, upload the archive at Plugins > Add New > Upload Plugin or install via Plugins > Add New > Search for the plugin name in the search bar.
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress
  3. Update the plugin settings in your WooCommerce settings at WooCommerce > Settings > Shipping and the individual shipping method settings pages.


Will this plugin work with my theme?

As long as your theme doesn’t overrule the default checkout page parts OR your theme has the same div classes and input field name attributes (which most themes have), this plugin will definitely work with your theme.

The shipping address fields at the checkout page are not hiding/showing when I change the shipping method

This plugin responds to the WooCommerce builtin AJAX calls that are made when you change the shipping method. It also relies on the original input field name attributes and the div that’s wrapped around the shipping address fields (the one with class woocommerce-shipping-fields). As long as you see that div along with the input name attributes, this plugin should work fine. If that is the case, please contact me so we can work it out.

Does this plugin work with shipping zones?

Yes, this plugin has been updated to work with the new shipping zone methods. It has also backward compatibility for older versions and for legacy shipping methods.


2018(e)ko irailaren 15(a)
Easy to install and works great! More than happy to support this plugin to keep it updated!
2018(e)ko abuztuaren 22(a)
I can not find any plugin that does what it promises to do. What potential!?! As it does not work on new versions, will it be updated? Thanks in advanced. Carlos
2017(e)ko abuztuaren 13(a)
All my settings are for digital downloads, and nothing happens when I installed this plugin.
2016(e)ko azaroaren 18(a) 1 reply
not work for me
Irakurri 11 berrikuspenak

Laguntzaileak eta Garatzaileak

“WooCommerce Hide Checkout Shipping Address” software librea da. Ondoko pertsonek egin dizkiote ekarpenak plugin honi.


Aldaketen loga


  • Updated: Support for shipping zones for WooCommerce 2.6 and later


  • Fixed: In some cases the show/hide effect setting was hidden from the WooCommerce Shipping Settings
  • Updated the tested-up-to tag to 4.5


  • Fixed: Removed function in function causing a PHP error


  • Fixed: Removed anonymous functions for PHP versions earlier than 5.3.0


  • Fixed: PHP notice about calling the register_uninstall_hook incorrectly


  • Fixed: PHP scope error when running on PHP version 5.3.x or older


  • Fixed: PHP scope error when running on PHP version 5.3.x or older
  • Improved: Code style is now fully compatible with WP code style guide


  • Added: Support for the review order page
  • Added: The container of the shipping fields has an extra class “shipping-fields-hidden” when the fields are hidden
  • Improved: This plugin now removes shipping fields information from the order completely


First release