Plugin is used to allow and hide the specific WP-Admin menus for the specific User Roles and User Names.
How to Install and Configure:
- Upload the plugin files to the
directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly. - Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
- A menu will appear in left panel, “WP Admin Menu Access” to allow the menus.
- Choose the Menu which you want to allow/hide
- Choose the user role for which you want to show the menu
- Now, choose the Users for which you want to show the menu
- Is you want to allow for specific users of the specific role, then choose both: User Role and User
- Does it allow User Roles based menu access?
Yes, It’s possible to allow/hide the menus for the specific User Roles i.e. you can enable the Dashboard menu for Admin Users only, other users won’t be able to see that.
- Does it allow Specific Users base menu access?
Yes, You can choose the selected users who can access the menu.
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