WPHobby Blocks is a Gutenberg blocks Plugin which make it easy for you to create better content with Gutenberg editor.
You can check our website demo on Hasium Demo which is build base on our premium theme Hasium Pro Version
Plugin honek 2 blokeak eskaintzen ditu.
- WPHobby: List
- WPHobby: Image
- Unzip the downloaded zip file.
- Upload the plugin folder into the
directory of your WordPress site. - Activate
WPHobby Blocks for Gutenberg
from Plugins page.
What is the requirements to use WPHobby Blocks for Gutenberg?
Minimum Requirements
WordPress version 5.0 or greater.
PHP version 5.6 or greater. -
Recommended Requirements
Latest version of WordPress.
PHP 5.6 or greater.
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Release Date: 2019/04/01
- NEW: Styled List Block.
- NEW: Image Magnifier Block.