Add a Chatbot and Live Chat bubble to your website with this plugin
Scale up your lead generation using chatbot and guarantee customer success with live chat.
Zifront is a complete chatbot and live chat system for websites. Make visitors customers and every customer a loyal one by giving them an immediate response to their needs with this tool.
Built for productivity, Zifront delivers instant chat communication and intuitive chatbot flows, which allow you to be efficient and provide value to your customers.
Zifront Features
- Multi-agent support Team members can interact with website visitors and WhatsApp users.
- Chatbot Builder Provide answers to frequently asked questions while developing your lead generation strategy.
- Website Live Chat Chat with website visitors in real time.
- WhatsApp Live Chat Chat with WhatsApp users in real time.
- Team Chat Enables chat communication between team members.
- Chat History Review all your previous chat conversations.
- Visitor geolocation Track visitor location by using IP geolocation.
- IP banning Ban abusive visitors.
- Customizable widget color Modify the chat widget’s CSS parameters to match your website’s design.
- Multiple websites You can add the chat widget to any of your websites. Your agents can easily interact with clients from different websites.
- Encrypted communication All chat data is stored encrypted. TLS 256 bits for end-point to end-point communication.
- File sharing Agents and visitors can exchange images, documents, and other files using the file-sharing feature.
For a complete list of features, please visit
Get your Zifront account at this link.
- Install and activate the WordPress plugin
- After installation, under Settings, click the Zifront option
- Create a new Zifront account, or enter your widget ID and the chatbot ID. (Both are on your Zifront Dashboard)
- First version release of the Zifront plugin.
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