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Ample Shop

amplethemes(e)k garatua

Bertsioa: 0.1.3

Azken eguneraketa: 6 otsaila, 2024

Instalazio Aktiboak: 40+

Wordpress-en 6.0 edo handiagoa Bertsioa

PHPren Bertsioa: 7.4 edo handiagoa

Itxuraren orrialdea

Ample Shop is complete e-commerce theme with multiple variation of design and It is clean, powerful, flexible, highly customizable and Gutenberg ready WordPress theme with responsive and beautifully crafted design.The theme is fully widgetized & customize based, so users can manage the content by using easy to use widgets and customizer and It is suitable for dynamic e-commerce,news, newspapers, magazine, publishers, blogs, editors, online store, online and gaming magazines, newsportals,personal blogs, newspaper, publishing or review siteand any creative website.


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