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Iconic One

Themonic(e)k garatua

Commercial Theme

This theme is free but offers additional paid commercial upgrades or support.

Bertsioa: 3.2

Azken eguneraketa: 3 martxoa, 2024

Instalazio Aktiboak: 10.000+

Wordpress-en 4.7 edo handiagoa Bertsioa

PHPren Bertsioa: 5.2.4 edo handiagoa

Itxuraren orrialdea

Iconic One is a premium quality theme with pixel perfect typography and responsiveness and is built for speed with pagespeed score of 95+. Iconic One implements proper SEO so that your content will rank high and is compatible with AIOSEO and Yoast SEO, It makes proper use of Live customizer that allows you to setup the theme in minutes, you can easily upload the logo, modify the background color, footer text, social media urls without touching any line of code. It utilizes latest HTML 5, CSS3 and wordpress native functions for creating the awesomeness that looks good on every browser. Support is free, access the support here, Report issues and feedback at


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