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Top Charity

Top Charity

  • Bertsioa 1.0.3
  • Last updated 6 abuztua, 2024
  • Active installations 90+
  • PHP version 5.6

Top Charity is a WordPress charity theme that incorporates features for creating a high-quality website that is easy to use, clean, dynamic, and highly customizable. It is an ideal theme for a variety of donation sites, charity sites, fundraising sites, welfare sites, and preferably for any other type of website. In addition to the design and sophisticated functionality, it comes with a responsive layout that looks clean while displaying content and images and is cross-browser compatible. This theme is designed for full-featured websites that promote exposure, show upcoming events, and even encourage visitors to join and donate to activities. Using the GiveWP Plugin, you can accept donations and raise funds through the Top Charity theme. Check the demo at: https://demos.ascendoor.com/top-charity/

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This theme is available in the following languages: English (US) eta .Українська.

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