Average is changing its name to AddFunc. Much better, huh?! Therefore, this plugin has been republished as AddFunc Head & Footer Code. The “AddFunc version” is compatible with the “Average version,” so installation and activation of either or both is risk-free. This also enables you to manually transfer all of your head and footer code to the “AddFunc version” (if you wish). The “Average version” will remain available with minimal support until it becomes a burden for AddFunc (probably for many years to come, as of 2014). Any new features will only be added to the “AddFunc version,” so it is of course the recommended version (at least for future projects). Thanks!
Allows admins to add code to the <head>
and/or footer of an individual post and/or site-wide. Ideal for scripts such as Google Analytics conversion tracking code and any other general or page-specific JavaScript.
Custom support tickets are available
See Other Notes tab for details.
Custom Support
If you have a custom support need, please purchase your support ticket here. Support tickets are responded to within 24 hours, but we answer them as soon as possible.
How it works
- Purchase a support ticket via PayPal
- You get a chance to provide the best way to contact you and a description of your need
- I contact you as soon as I can (no less than 24 hours) and help resolve your issue
Note: This is for custom needs for help, not problems with the plugin, or instructions that should already be explain in the description. If you feel there are important details omitted from the description, installation steps, etc. of the plugin, please report them in the Support forum. Thanks!
- Upload the entire
folder to the/wp-content/plugins/
directory - Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress
- Add code site-wide in Settings>Head & Footer Code or on individual pages/posts using the Head & Footer Code meta box when in edit mode in a page (or any post type)
- Where does the head code output?
is located in your theme. - Where does the footer code output?
is located in your theme. - Does it really require WordPress 3.0.1 or later?
I have not tested it on earlier versions. In fact, I could use help with testing. Feel free to try it out in an earlier version and let me know if it works! 🙂
- Does Average have a website?
The cobbler has no shoes… yet.
Ez dago berrikuspenik plugin honentzat.
Laguntzaileak eta Garatzaileak
“Average Head & Footer Code” software librea da. Ondoko pertsonek egin dizkiote ekarpenak plugin honi.
LaguntzaileakItzul zaitez Average Head & Footer Code zure hizkuntzara.
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Aldaketen loga
- Announces move to AddFunc Head & Footer Code
- Fixes metabox nonce
- Removes icon.svg
- Includes readme.txt
- Submitted to WordPress
- Code cleaned up (mostly comments removed)
- Excludes unnecessary file: style.css
- Bug fix: replaced “my-meta-box-id” with “avrghdftrcdMetaBox” (duh)
- Hid Head & Footer Code meta box from non-admin users
- Adds a Head & Footer Code settings page for site-wide code (for admins only)
- Adds Head & Footer Code meta box to all pages, posts and cusom post types
- Saves Head & Footer Code entry to the database as custom fields
- Outputs code to the website in