This is a Books Library plugin for Gutenberg block. Easily manager books data in the backend. There are some good features like ratings, price, and filter. Front side design with React.
Key Features
- Front side with React.
- Easily manage book data ( Add, Delete and Edit )
- Filters by Name, Author, Publisher, Price, and Rating.
- Star ratings.
Pixabay Image
Plugin honek 2 blokeak eskaintzen ditu.
- Books Library
- Book Library
To install the plugin automatically:
- Gutenberg plugin needs to be installed first.
- Now Go to WordPress admin side, and navigate from: Plugin > Add new
- Search for Books Library.
- Click on install after that click on the activate link.
To install the plugin manually:
- Gutenberg plugin needs to be installed first.
- Download the plugin and unzip it.
- Now upload the plugin directory to /wp-content/plugins/
- For plugin activation, go to the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress & activate the plugin.
Q. In which WordPress version this Plugin is compatible?
Ans: It is compatible with a 5.0+ WordPress version.
Q. Is this compatible with any theme?
Ans: Yes, you can use this plugin for any theme.
Ez dago berrikuspenik plugin honentzat.
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“Books Library” software librea da. Ondoko pertsonek egin dizkiote ekarpenak plugin honi.
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- Add: Initial version