Admin can enter course certificate codes , and details in the panel and user can verify their certificate using the course code in the front end.
- To install the SegWitz Course Certificate Verification plugin click “Download” or download the plugin from this GitHub repo.
– To install the plugin after downloading it via GitHub, navigate to Plugins Add New Upload Plugin and upload the segwitz course certificate file. - Once you’ve installed the plugin, activate it through the WordPress plugin panel.
- Please navigate to the Certificate Codes menu inside of your WordPress admin panel after activating, and enter the information of the certificate.
- After you’re done, copy and paste this shortcode: [get_certificate_search_form] in the page you want to display the search bar of the codes.
- Once the shortcode has been pasted, you can now go to the page and try searching the certificate information by inserting the code and hit search.
- You are done ! Everything has been successfully integrate … !
- To install the SegWitz Course Certificate Verification plugin click “Download” or download the plugin from this GitHub repo.
– To install the plugin after downloading it via GitHub, navigate to Plugins Add New Upload Plugin and upload the segwitz course certificate file. - Once you’ve installed the plugin, activate it through the WordPress plugin panel.
- Please navigate to the Certificate Codes menu inside of your WordPress admin panel after activating, and enter the information of the certificate.
- After you’re done, copy and paste this shortcode: [get_certificate_search_form] in the page you want to display the search bar of the codes.
- Once the shortcode has been pasted, you can now go to the page and try searching the certificate information by inserting the code and hit search.
- You are done ! Everything has been successfully integrate … !
Laguntzaileak eta Garatzaileak
“Certificate Verification” software librea da. Ondoko pertsonek egin dizkiote ekarpenak plugin honi.
LaguntzaileakItzul zaitez Certificate Verification zure hizkuntzara.
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