CF7 ReCaptcha Mine protects your forms made in contact form 7.
Key features
- Contact form 7 only
- Invisible. No user-input required
- Still receive 100 percent of the real requests!
- Compliant to GDPR (respectively DSGVO, RGPD)
- The Plugin is completely for free
- No tracking, no cookies, no sessions
- No external ressources are loaded
- Easy to use
- SEO-friendly
- Only necessary code
- Optionally the flamingo plugin can be used in order to store and read mails and spam seperately
Thank you!
I hope you enjoy using the plugin! If you are happy with it, I would be glad to get your review and probably a coffee too.
- Install and activate plugin via WordPress Plugins page. Done!
- Optionally: After activation, WordPress redirects to the plugin’s settings menu. With the pro-version here you can adjust some parameters to increase security.
- Optionally: If you use flamingo, don’t forget to tell flamingo about the important fields of your form. This helps to get meaningfull descriptions for the flamingo inbox.
If you face problems with the plugin
- Important messages could be shown in browser console (F12) on problematic page
- Whenever you post something to the support forum, try hand over all details
How to disable this plugin?
Use standard WordPress plugins page for deactivation and deletion of the plugin
Ez dago berrikuspenik plugin honentzat.
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The whole plugin is for free now
New: CF7 ReCaptcha Mine has been released!