All chat features are there: Send private messages, Photos, Voice notes, Typing indicators, Read receipt.
Template choice: embedded or similar to facebook.
Application hosted in our servers, we take care of all the work. No installation No configuration.
Even a beginner in PHP ,Javascript and android can work with !
MqttChat features
- Real-time Text Messaging
- One-on-one Chat
- Photos Sharing
- Capture photos from Webcam
- Stickers & Emojis
- Block Users
- Friends feature
- Voice Notes
- Audio & Video Calling
- Typing Indicators
- Read Receipts
- Android Mobile App
- Multiple Layouts
- Responsive design
- Multi Languages
- SSL Encryption
- Storage Space
- Documentation
- Priority Support
- Admin Panel
- Webhooks
- FCM & WEB PUSH Notifications
How long do I have to wait to activate a MQTT CHAT CLoud pack ?
Activating a cloud pack or migrating to another cloud pack is almost instantaneous.
Can I change or cancel my plan ?
Yes, you can upgrade, downgrade, or cancel anytime, hassle-free.
Ez dago berrikuspenik plugin honentzat.
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