Zure negozioarekin handitzen diren formularioak
WordPress formulario eraikitzaile zaharrenetako bat bezala, munduan zehar erabiltzaileak zerbitzatzeaz harro gaude, bizitzako etapa guztietan, eta sare hazkunde fase ezberdinetan. Ninja Forms-en erabiltzaile-basea osatzen duten negozio txikietatik eta tokiko irabazi-asmorik gabeko erakundeetatik hasi eta unibertsitateetara, ospitaleetara eta baita Fortune 500 enpresetaraino, zurekin eskalatuko dugu hasieratik nahi duzun tokira arte.
Konpromisoa daukagu ahal dugun doako eta kode irekiko tresna gehien eskaintzeko zure prezio kontroleko lehen egun horietan laguntzeko. Hazten zoazen heinean, hautatu eta aukeratu behar dituzun premium ezaugarrik bakarrik. Eramango gaituzun lekuraino haziko gara zurekin batera.
Konpromisoa daukagu zure pribatutasuna eta denbora errespetatzeko. Eskatu gabeko mezu edo marketin agresiborik ez. Ez dago oinarrizko ezaugarriengatik ordaindu edo informazio urraketarik. Adituz osatutako laguntza talde zein pluginen dokumentazio ulergarria eskaintzen diegu bezero guztiei, doako zein ordainpeko, zure negozioa aurrerantz bultzatzen duen bidalketak biltzen jarraitu ahal izateko.
Irrikitan gaude nora eramango gaituzun ikusteko!
Oinarrizko guztia ordainketarik gabe
Hazten ari zarenean, gastu txikiak ere azkar hazten dira. Hau da Ninja Forms muina beti doan eta kode irekikoa izatearen arrazoia. Hau da muinean ahal dugun gehiena eskaini eta zure oinarrizko beharrak kosturik gabe betetzen saiatzearen arrazoia. Hemen dago muinak eskaini dezakeenaren lagin bat.
Formularioak Eraikitzeko Ezaugarriak
– DOAKO 24 arrastatu-eta-jaregin eremu baino gehiago
– Eremu pertsonalizatuak defektuzko balioekin, testu espezializatua, eta askoz gehiago
– Gustokoen artean gorde eta berrerabili pertsonalizatutako eremua
– Kalkuluak: zehaztu balioak eremuei eta kalkulatu guztizkoak
– Batze etiketa sistema, eremuak aurrez bete eta informazioa formularioen artean bidaltzeko
– GDPR betetze errazerako, eremukako gordetze konfiguragarria
– Mezu jakinarazpenak formulario bidalketetan (nahi beste, doan!)
– Arrakasta mezu pertsonalizatuak (esteka eta deskargak onartzen ditu!)
– Bidalketa ostean orrialde berrira redirekzioa
– Bidalketa osteko WP ekintza hook-etara dei pertsonalizatuak
– Spam Babesa: Google reCAPTCHA eta Akismet sistemekin erabateko integrazioa
– Formulario bistaratze konfiguragarria
– Formulario murrizketa ezarpenak
– Eremu bakar balidazioa
– Nahi beste formulario eta bidalketa
– Formulario Txantiloiak
– Formulario Inportazio / Esportazioa
– Formulario partekagarriak (partekatu orrialde batera lotu gabe dagoen esteka bidez)
– Ez dago marketin erasokorrik, berrikuspen galderarik, etengabeko popup-ik, edo eskatu gabeko mezurik
– Moldagarria eta mugikorrerako prestatua
– SEOrako prestatua
Bidalketa Kudeaketa Ezaugarriak
– DOAKO bidalketa mugagabeak
– Bidalketa bistaratze konfiguragarria
– Bilatu eta iragazi eremuaren arabera
– Bilatu eta iragazi bidalitako datuaren arabera
– Bilatu eta iragazi bidalketa dataren arabera
– Editatu bidalitako informazioa
– Birbidali edozein bidalketaren edozein mezu jakinarazpen
– Esportatu CSVra
– Bidalketen esportazio masiboa
– Informazio esportazio eta ezabaketa eskaeren WordPress GDPR integrazio automatikoa
– Adierazi eremuak PII moduan eta ez gorde zehaztutako informazioa
– Bidalketa guztiak lokalean edo ZURE zerbitzarian gordetzen dira kontrakorik zehazten ez duzun bitartean
– Ez dugu inoiz bidalitako informazioa ikusi edo biltzen
Dozenaka formulario mota
– Kontatu formularioa
– Mezularitza formularioa
– Kalkulu formularioa
– Bezerogai formularioa
– Galdetegi formularioa
– Hipoteka edo Ordainketa Kalkulu formularioa
– Aurrekontu edo Kostu Kalkulagailu formularioa
– Osasun kalkulagailu formularioa
– Bozketa formularioa
– Inkesta formularioa
– Lead Magnet Download form
– Ekitaldietan izena emateko form
– Salmenta formularioa
– Hitzordu formularioa
– Erreserba formularioa
– Sarrera formularioa
– Eskaera formularioa
– Ikasgai Plan formularioa
– Lan Eskaera formularioa
– RSVP formularioa
– Eskaera formularioa
– Iritsi formularioa
– Laguntza formularioa
– GDPR Informazio Esportatze edo Ezabaketa Eskaera formularioa
…eta askoz gehiago!
Plugin bat baino gehiago eskuratuko duzu
– Erabat dokumentatua
– Regularki eguneratua
– DOAKO laguntza teknikoa
– Pribatutasuna eta segurtasuna kontuan hartuta
– Irisgarritasunean oinarrituta
– Polyglots taldeak 24 hizkuntza baino gehiagotara itzulia
– WPMLrekin epe luzeko bazkidetza itzulpen gehiago lortzeko!
– Ekosistemaren jakitun: badakigu ez dela zu eta Ninja Forms bakarrik. Gure onena ematen dugu besteekin hitz egin eta ongi jokatzeko.
Hautatu eta aukeratu behar duzuna behar duzun bezala
Hazten zoazen heinean, zure formularioetatik behar duzuna ere aldatzen da. Baina ez dago gehiegi sakondu eta beharrezkoa dena baino gehiago gastatu beharrik. Premium ezaugarri guztiak gehigarrietan biltzen dira eta banaka erosi daitezke. Gauza bat edo bi bakarrik beharko bazenitu, behar duzuna bakarrik hartu dezakezu, gehigarriengatik ordaindu gabe.
Gehiagorako prest zaudenean, gure harpidetza planek ezaugarri ezagunenak biltzen dituzte aurrekontu lagunkoi paketeetan.
Hautatu hainbat kategorien arteko 40 gehigarri baino gehiagoren artean:
Formulario Ezaugarri Aurreratuak
– Data Hautatzailea Aurreratua
– Logika Baldintzatua
– Fitxategi Igoerak
– Diseinu eta Estiloak
– Pausu anitzeko formularioak
– Gorde Aurrerapena
– Erabili Analitikak
– Erabiltzaile Kudeaketa
Bidalketa Aurreratuak
– Excel Esportazioa
– Erabiltzaile-Interfaze Argitalpena
– PDF Formulario Bidalketak
– Programatutako Bidalketa Esportazioak
Ordainketak Onartu
– Elavon
– PayPal official partner
– Recurly
– Stripe
Mezularitza Marketina
– Active Campaign
– AWeber
– Campaign Monitor
– CleverReach
– Constant Contact
– ConvertKit
– EmailOctopus
– Emma
– Mailchimp
– MailPoet
– Capsule
– CiviCRM
– HubSpot *official partners
– Insightly
– OnePageCRM
– PipelineDeals
– Salesforce
– Zoho CRM
Jakinarazpen eta lan-fluxuak
– ClickSend SMS
– Help Scout
– Slack
– Trello
– Twilio SMS
– Webhooks
– Zapier partner ofizialak
Zerua da gehigarrien ezaugarriak erabiliz eraiki dezakezunaren muga bakarra, baina hemen daude ikusi ditugun formulario ezagunenetako batzuk:
- Ordainketa formularioak
- Dohaintza Formularioak
- Izen Emate Formularioak
- Erabiltzaile Erregistratze Formularioak
- Buletin Formularioak
- CRM Formularioak
- Erabiltzaile Erregistratze Formularioak
- Saio Hasiera Formularioak
- Dokumentu Igoera Formularioak
- Google Orri formularioak
- Bidalketa Sortze formularioak
Hamarkada bat baino gehiago daramagu gure produktu eta erabiltzaileen alboan, zure esperientzia ahal den onena izateko lanean. Erabiltzaile guztiei laguntza eskaintzen dien formulario eraikitzaile bakanetakoa gara, erosketa egina izan edo ez.
Edozein galdera edo proposamen baduzu, gustora entzungo zaitugu. Lau kontinenteetan zehar astelehenetik ostiralera laguntzeko prest dagoen laguntza talde dedikatu bat daukagu. Iritzi orokorra beti da ongi etorria baita. Aurrera begira egin beharrekoa erabakitzeko zati handi bat da, beraz, eman edozein unetan!
Beti izango duzu guganako lotura zuzena hementxe bertan!
Marka eta Marken informazio gehigarria
Ninja Forms® Saturday Drive INCen marka erregistratua da. WordPress formulario edo WP formulario eraikitzailea gara, ez nahasi aparteko WordPressen WPForms markarekin. Ninja Forms gehigarri eta bazkidetza ofizialak gure web orri ofizialean aurkitu daitezke,
Atal honek plugina nola instalatu eta martxan jarri azaltzen du.
1. Igo ninja-forms
pluginaren karpeta zure /wp-content/plugins/
2. Gaitu plugina WordPress menuko ‘Pluginak’ aukeraren bidez
3. Bisitatu ‘Ninja Forms’ administrazio albo barrako menuan
Ordaindu egin behar dut formulario bidalketak ikusteko?
Ez, Ninja Formsek ez du bidalketak ikusteko ordaintzera behartzen. Ninja Forms > Bidalketak muineko eta doako pluginarekin ikusi, editatu, esportatu, eta gehiago egin dezakezu. Ez da erosketarik behar.
Ze doako eremu daude formulario eraikitzailean?
- Eguna/Ordua
- Kontrol-lauki Bakarra
- Kontrol-lauki Zerrenda
- Aukera Botoi Zerrenda
- Hautatze Zerrenda
- Hautatze Anitzeko Zerrenda
- Hautatzeko Irudi Zerrenda
- Lerro Bakarreko Testua
- Paragrafo testua
- Bidali
- Izena
- Abizena
- Posta Elektronikoa
- Telefono Zenbakia
- Helbidea
- Hiriak
- AEB Estatuak
- Herrialdea
- Kode Postala
- Banatzailea
- Eremu Multzo Errepikakorrak
- Baieztatu
- Ezkutua
- Zenbakia
- Spam Aurkakoa
- Izar Balorazioa
Ninja Formsek GDPR betetzen du?
Bai. Erabiltzaileak bidalitako informazioa zure zerbitzari lokalean bakarrik gordetzen da, beti ere ez baduzu plugina espresuki beste edonora bidaltzeko konfiguratzen, mezu ekintza baten bidez adibidez. Guk ez dugu inoiz erabiltzaile informazioa ikusi edo biltzen, ez dugu GDPR 4. artikuluaren arabera, zuk sortutako formularioen bidez erabiltzaileek bidalitako informazioaren arduradun edo prozesadore gisa jarduten. Ninja Forms erabiliz PII biltzen baduzu, informazio eskaeren esportazio edo ezabatzeak automatizatu ditzakezu.
Ninja Formsek HIPAA betetzen du?
Ninja Forms HIPAA betetzea eskatzen duten atarietan erabili daiteke eta erabiltzen da, baina betetze orokorra edozein WordPress formulario eraikitzaileren kontroletik kanpoko faktoreen araberakoa da.
Bidali ahalko dut mezurik Ninja Formsekin?
Bai! Nahi adina mezu bidali daitezke nahi adina jasotzaileengana kontaktu formularioa bidaltzen den aldiro. Kontaktu formulario bidalketa batek jaurtitzen duen edozein mezu pertsonalizatu daiteke formulario eraikitzailean, formulario bidalketako informazioa erakusteko modua barne. Eranskinak onartzen dira (eta formulariotik fitxategi igoerak egin daitezke). Formulario mezu hauek jaurtitzaile zehatz batzuetan oinarrituta baldintzapean jarri daitezke, eta formularioan PDF kopia bat eskatzeko zehaztu daiteke.
Ze motatako formularioak eraiki ditzaket Ninja Formsekin?
- Kontaktu formularioa
- Mezu formularioa
- Kalkulu formularioa
- Bezerogai formularioa
- Galdetegi formularioa
- Hipoteka edo Ordainketa Kalkulu formularioak
- Aurrekontu eta Kostu Kalkulu formularioak
- Osadun Kalkulu formularioak
- Galdeketa formularioa
- Inkesta formularioa
- Lead Magnet Download form
- Ekitalde Izen Emate formularioa
- Salmenta formularioa
- Hitzordu formularioa
- Erreserba formularioa
- Sarrera formularioa
- Eskaera formularioa
- Ikasgai Plan formularioa
- Lan Eskaera formularioa
- RSVP formularioa
- Eskaera formularioa
- Iritzi formularioa
- Laguntza formularioa
- Esportatu edo Ezabatu Informazio Eskaera formularioak
- Ordainketa formularioak
- Dohaintza Formularioak
- Izen emate formularioa
- Erabiltzaile Erregistratze Formularioak
- Buletin Formularioak
- CRM Formularioak
- Hautazko bezerogai formularioa
- Bezerogai puntuagarri formularioa
- Erabiltzaile Erregistratze Formularioak
- Ordainpeko erregistratze formularioak
- Saio Hasiera Formularioak
- Dokumentu Igoera Formularioak
- Google Orri formularioak
- Bidalketa Sortze formularioak
…eta askoz gehiago!
Ahal dut Ninja Forms nire CRM edo nire Mezularitza Marketing zerbitzuarekin lotu?
Ia ziur. Kontaktu formulario eraikitzailea zuzenean integratzen da dozena bat baino gehiago mezularitza marketin eta CRM zerbitzuekin, hala nola, MailChimp, Constant Contact, ActiveCampaign, HubSpot, Salesforce, Insightly, Zoho, eta beste asko.
Ninja Formsek 1.000 zerbitzu ezagun baino gehiago integratzen ditu gure Zapier integratzailearen bitartez.
Ahal du formulario eta eremuak inportatu / esportatu Ninja Forms erabiliz?
Bai, formulario eta formulario eremuak (edozein pertsonalizatutako eremu eta eremu gustokoena markatutakoa) atarien artean esportatu eta inportatu daitezke.
Laguntzaileak eta Garatzaileak
“Ninja Forms – Zurekin Hazten Den Kontaktu Formulario Eraikitzailea” software librea da. Ondoko pertsonek egin dizkiote ekarpenak plugin honi.
LaguntzaileakNinja Forms – Zurekin Hazten Den Kontaktu Formulario Eraikitzailea 28 eskualde-ezarpenetara itzuli da. Eskerrik asko itzultzaileei beraien ekarpenengatik.
Itzul zaitez Ninja Forms – Zurekin Hazten Den Kontaktu Formulario Eraikitzailea zure hizkuntzara.
Garapena interesatzen zaizu?
Araka kodea, begiratu SVN biltegia edo harpidetu garapen erregistrora RSS bidez.
Aldaketen loga
3.9.0 (10 February 2025)
– New user onboarding
– Add delete forms WP-CLI command
– JS library updates
3.8.25 (27 January 2025)
Bug Fixes:
– ensure form id value is numeric in shortcodes; responsibly reported by Peter Thaleikis via Wordfence
3.8.24 (21 January 2025)
Bug Fixes:
– Fixed an accessibility issue related to text contrast when using opinionated styles.
– Fixed accessibility errors related to missing field descriptions.
3.8.23 (16 December 2024)
Bug Fixes:
– Ensure only permitted form previews are available to a given user
3.8.22 (10 December 2024)
Bug Fixes:
– Update timing for widget loading on page builders
3.8.21 (09 December 2024)
Bug Fixes:
– Update timing to load translations after init
3.8.20 (26 November 2024)
Bug Fixes:
– Sanitize calculations input
3.8.19 (18 November 2024)
Bug Fixes:
– Remove legacy duplicate field cleanup from render loop
– Convert HTML encoded characters on submissions page
– Verify we are on an nf_sub post type before loading terms list
– Add behavioural telemetry data
– Add diagnost information to system status
– Update end-to-end test
3.8.18 (23 October 2024)
Bug Fixes:
– Prevent script in Favorite Fields
– Prevent script in calculation name
– Update field HTML for improved accessibility
3.8.17 (01 October 2024)
Bug Fixes:
– Ensure help text is mobile responsive for single checkbox, single line text, paragraph text
– Prevent non-required blank email field failing validation
– Replace hard-coded strings for translation
3.8.16 (17 September 2024)
Bug Fixes:
– Ensure sanitation of email address for merge tag
– Prevent maintenance mode interception
3.8.15 (10 September 2024)
Bug Fixes:
– Ensure “From Address” email warning shows
– Prevent JS error on datepicker inside fieldset repeater
– Add PHP compatibility tests
– Add usage telemetry data
3.8.14 (03 September 2024)
Bug Fixes:
– Ensure submissions page form filter finds form titles
– Provide PHP 7.4 support for jsonSerialize method call
– Ensure hCaptcha field functions when safe-listed
– JS library updates
3.8.13 (26 August 2024)
Bug Fixes:
– Prevent mouse scroll wheel from updating currency masked fields – Issues
– Resolved an error where required field validation was not always firing properly on masked fields
– Correct list value tooltip styling error for Safari and Firefox
– A repeatable fieldset that has triggered a required error maintains the error when the repeatable fieldset is deleted
– First Repeated Fieldset’s data is not captured when deleting one of the sets
– Ensure form displays in WP Bakery without needing to refresh page
– Correct deprecation warnings in SCSS files
– Library updates: The updates affect the structure of the components – mounting and data flow – and the blocks and styling
– Set security resolution for Axios as a dependency of our dependencies
– Reorganize cypress tests
– Add unit tests
– Add initial usage data to telemetry
– High impact accessibility factor corrections
3.8.12 (13 August 2024)
Bug Fixes:
– Validate label settings on change event
3.8.11 (07 August 2024)
Bug Fixes:
– Prevent unused key values on Survey Promo link
3.8.10 (05 August 2024)
Bug Fixes:
– Submissions Table block not displayed on published page on some themes
– Phone field not disabled when expected
– calc value option of list fields not set with help text
– Submission page tooltip icon not displayed on environment not using conventional plugins folder path
– @wordpress dependencies updates
3.8.9 (29 July 2024)
Bug Fixes:
– Submissions Block not showing all submissions data.
– Fix deleted repeater field missing required data halting submission
– Add “Administration” section for all fields
– Add missing check_admin_referrer parameter
– Sort by Shortcode on forms page as numerical
– Accessibility: update field description and screen readers
– Enable hidden fields in the unique field
– Fix display Form iFrame in Elementor editor
– Refactor telemetry dispatch to add unit tests
3.8.8 (22 July 2024)
Bug Fixes:
– Ensure submissions page and Append Ninja Form block are visible on WP 6.6
– Update readme ‘tested up to’ and ‘requires at least’
3.8.7 (15 July 2024)
Bug Fixes:
– prevent licensing CSRF
3.8.6 (8 July 2024)
Bug Fixes:
– prevent deprecated false to array notice in preview
– prevent undefined array key ‘plugin’ warning in class extension updater
– prevent invalid date error when setting default date format to “j F Y” on non-English languages
– automated test for version number
– update wordpress library packages
– add documentation links to settings in the form builder
3.8.5 (13 June 2024)
Bug Fixes:
– Protect preview query parameters
3.8.4 (28 May 2024)
Bug Fixes:
– Ensure first name field populates only first, not full, name
– Enable personally identifiable setting outside of dev mode
– Add merge tags ‘other’ for random, year, month, day
– Set version resolutions for certain packages
– Improve discoverability of available actions
– Update marketing feed
3.8.3 (1 May 2024)
Bug Fixes:
– Ensure fieldset repeaters function on index values ending in 0 (10, 20, etc)
– Update tests to run on 6.5.2
3.8.2 (29 March 2024)
Bug Fixes:
– Allow default span tags in form labels
3.8.1 (27 March 2024)
Bug Fixes:
– Ensure submission exports can’t be called from any unintended pages
– Prevent injected scripts into submit button and advanced labels
– Prevent XSS on image lists
– Update add-on images
3.8.0 (20 February 2024)
– Add ‘referer URL’ merge tag
Bug Fixes:
– Prevent display error when date format is not set
– Ensure current date stored when default is not modified
– Ensure translation of date strings
– Add user help text and images
– Add automated tests
3.7.3 (12 February 2024)
Bug Fixes:
– Update code for PHP 8.3
– Add in-app documentation text and links
– Add scroll bar for long vertical content
3.7.2 (29 January 2024)
Bug Fixes:
– Prevent form display on password protected page
– Sanitize email address on data export request; responsibly reported by stealthcopter via Wordfence
3.7.1 (23 January 2024)
Bug Fixes:
– Prevent deprecated warning from license updater
– Ensure date picker calendar view honors date range year limits
– Improved management of submission expiration request
– Prevent autocomplete on fields set to disable autocomplete
– Prevent error when fetching add-on list
– Add second “Add New Field” control for enhanced user experience
– Update JS libraries
– Update WP scripts and block utilities
– Update UTM links
3.7.0 (07 November 2023)
- Ezaugarriak:*
- Ability to preserve ‘extra’ data after redirect
Bug Fixes:
– Ensure extra data on CSV export is in correct chronological order
– Updated end to end test
3.6.34 (11 October 2023)
Bug Fixes:
– Prevent script triggers in field labels
– Ensure needed export data present before action
– Update to country list
– Close notice from bulk export results
3.6.33 (3 October 2023)
Bug Fixes:
– Error re-triggering email action when PDF is active
– Display anonymized repeater field data in submissions
– Error on missing class name
– Remove Max-width CSS being applied to form content
– misspelled text fixes
– Dependencies bumps= 3.6.32 (21 September 2023) =
Bug Fixes:
– rePrints data on the template for the frontend in order to prevent conflicts with other plugins
– checks if the description of fields in the builder is set before running trim
3.6.31 (19 September 2023)
Bug Fixes:
– Fixes form not displaying and form stuck on processing from jQuery trim() failure on non-string
– Remove old promotions banner
3.6.30 (14 September 2023)
Bug Fixes:
– Form should now submit properly if submit button label and processing label match.
– Ensure forms display on themes using wp_localize_script
– Remove support for NF 2.9
– JS dependency updates: update to React 18, WordPress block editor/scripts/server side render/i18n, babel-jest, core-js
3.6.29 (16 August 2023)
Bug fixes:
* Fix submission retrieval error missing submissions within time stamp on date
* Ensure 7.4-required functionality doesn’t trigger warnings
* Update library for autonumeric, WP scripts
* Update tested up to, now 6.3 was 6.2.2
3.6.28 (06 July 2023)
Bug fixes:
* Correct issue that prevented form deletion
3.6.27 (04 July 2023)
Bug fixes:
* Use static call for class name for PHP 7 support
3.6.26 (04 July 2023)
* Ensure minimum required version on packages
Security Enhancements:
* Prevent unauthorized download of submission
* Prevent scripts in dashboard field labels; responsibly reported by Sayandeep Dutta
* Prevent front-facing label scripts; responsibly reported by Jonathon Zamora &
* Prevent excess extra data through automated form submission
* Prevent override access where not permitted
3.6.25 (14 June 2023)
Bug Fixes:
– Remove duplicate radio bubble on opionated styles mobile
– Restrict delete file route to uploads directory
– Bump @wordpress/jest-preset-default from 10.9.0 to 11.4.0 #6579
– Bump core-js from 3.30.1 to 3.30.2 #6578
– Bump axe-core from 4.7.0 to 4.7.1 #6577
– Bump @wordpress/components from 23.9.0 to 24.0.0 #6576
– Bump @babel/core from 7.21.5 to 7.21.8 #6575
– Prototype Pollution in lodash
– Regular Expression Denial of Service in trim
– glob-parent before 5.1.2 vulnerable to Regular Expression Denial of Service in enclosure regex
– Uncontrolled Resource Consumption in trim-newlines
– Inefficient Regular Expression Complexity in nth-check
3.6.24 (12 May 2023)
Bug Fixes:
– Prevent bypass of required field with modified data
– Prevent datepicker to break the view when set with 0 minutes increment
– Prevent Submit button to double submit a form
3.6.23 (26 April 2023)
Bug Fixes:
– Ensure HTML fields load merge data
– Add fieldset repeater uploads to CSV and emails
3.6.22 (20 April 2023)
Bug Fixes:
– Prevent possible XSS vulnerability
3.6.21 (12 April 2023)
Bug Fixes:
– Ensure cron_interval value is integer
– Ensure option definition value has fallback value
– Ensure cache update process doesn’t break on errant stored data
– Replace deprecated use of self in callable
– Use form Id to filter field searches for faster response
3.6.20 (14 March 2023)
Bug Fixes:
– Error management in Repeater fieldsets (fields inside repeater fieldsets now respond to frontend validation)
– Display repeater field data in HTML field via merge tags
– Include Repeater data in CSVs when the repeater wasn’t repeated
– Display repeater data in retrigger email actions (and its CSV)
– Display Correct repeater child fields labels in emails
– Display repeater description on form
– Ensure correct rendering of date field in repeaters
– CSVs now display repeaters data as one row for each fieldset
Fixes for extensions:
– Save progress display repeater field without errors
– Multi-part compatibility display repeater field, with merge tags and data saved correctly
3.6.19 (22 February 2023)
Bug Fixes:
– Migrate/update jBox library
– Ensure language filter results are passed to downstream filters
– Prevent non-string math error
– Add version checks for extensions
3.6.18 (16 February 2023)
Bug Fixes:
– Prevent deprecated warning null preg_match_all
– Ensure empty form does not throw error on preview
– Ensure array for currency doesn’t throw fatal error
– Declare previously undeclared properties (PHP 8)
– Prevent undefined array key error
– Ensure missing key in recaptcha field doesn’t fail
3.6.17 (8 February 2023)
Bug Fixes:
– Ensure HTML injected in label is sanitized
– Correct typo in date format for option DD/MM/YYYY
– Ensure GMT offset setting does not prevent submissions page display
– Prevent deprecated notice on empty merge tag “other”
– Prevent deprecated notice for jsonSerialize
– Prevent deprecated notice for passing null value
3.6.16 (18 January 2023)
Bug Fixes:
* Import buffer class to re-enable download as PDF
Other Enhancements:
* Add code coverage reporting
3.6.15 (10 January 2023)
Bug Fixes:
* Resolves add-on manager fatal error
* Prevents image in HTML loading error for WP 6.1
* Correct multiple accessibility warnings
* Enables empty step in number field
* Enables default zero value
Other Enhancements:
* Update ‘tested to’
* Set resolutions to prevent vulnerable child dependencies
3.6.14 (2 September 2022)
Bug Fixes:
* Fixes an issue with trailing commas
* Fixes an issue for some users on PHP7.4 and below.
Other Enhancements:
* Update ‘tested to’
3.6.13 (30 August 2022)
Bug Fixes:
* Prevent object wakeup in unserialize
* Correct errant variable name is submissions check
Other Enhancements:
* Smart suggestions for extensions
* Update ‘tested to’
3.6.12 (22 June 2022)
Bug Fixes:
* Fixed naming collision with reCaptcha cookie check
* HTML re-enabled in field labels for users with correct capabilities
* Removed orphaned repeater field setting from advanced settings
* Fixed form imports for non-UTF-8 encoded files
3.6.11 (14 June 2022)
Security Enhancements
* Apply more strict sanitization to merge tag values
3.6.10 (07 June 2022)
Bug Fixes:
* Retrigger emails from Submissions page if form only has 1 Email Action
* Invalid Date message triggered by Date Picker Field
* Typo in Delete Form popup
* Importing a form sets the Step value of any Number field to 1, regardless of the Export value
* Front End Checkbox/Radio lists are not keyboard accessible
* Form Preview Page does not work in themes that enable full site editor
* Public link not working in some themes
* Checkbox Fields with a checked calc value of 0 evaluate to 1 in JS
* Activating Layouts & Styles removes merge tags from email actions until the form is republished
* Trigger error when cookies for reCaptcha v3 were not allowed ( Implemented with hooks )
* Submissions page select dates filter restored
Security Enhancements
* Improve escaping on field template labels and values reported responsibly by Ryan at WP Scan
* Improve sanitization of label values
* Improve authorization check for field imports
3.6.9 (24 March 2022)
Bug Fixes:
Restore “Download All Submissions” functionality
= 3.6.8 (14 March 2022)
Bug Fixes:
Correct Repeatable Fieldset CSV output, was Array Array Array
Add “Trash” view to React submissions page
Fix broken submission view when Date field added to converted CF form
Security Enhancements
Remove CSV temp files stored in publicly accessible location, reported responsibly by Agence Web Coheractio – Paris at
= 3.6.7 (30 November 2021)
Bug Fixes:
- Fix Danish/Finnish language halts submissions page display
- Exclude confirm field from submission data
- Scroll list fields to prevent extremely tall rows
- Correctly display checkbox value in submission table
- Fix PHP warning on column control
- Remove note, html, submit, confirm fields from CSV export
- Use set date format on CSV export
- Prevent XSS in form title
= 3.6.6 (15 November 2021)
Bug Fixes:
- Rename ‘store submission’ to record submission’
- Enable extra data column headers in CSV export
- Use admin labels in tables and export
= 3.6.5 (04 November 2021)
Bug Fixes:
- Ensure submission column selections are remembered for next viewing
- Ensure date time is properly displayed in submission popup editor
- Display calculations metabox in submissions
- Add temporary submissions page rollback option
- Fix failing search results on submissions page
- Ensure checkbox displays correct value, not always ‘checked’
= 3.6.4 (25 October 2021)
- Prevent data timeout error by reducing size of initial submission request
- Prevent SQL injection from field key
- Prevent overwriting of ConvertKit action name during import
- Ensure forms that don’t have email actions appear in submission page list
= 3.6.3 (18 October 2021)
- Update submission link on form dashboard
- Check for CF database before adding CF data source
= 3.6.2 (12 October 2021)
- Ensure submissions appear when timezone setting puts submission ahead of current timestamp
= 3.6.1 (11 October 2021)
- Move sequence id from submission editing to metadata
- Use correct popup for autogenerate Add New modals
- Ignore build files from commit
= 3.6.0 (04 October 2021)
- Enable display of Caldera Forms submissions in Ninja Forms submission table
- Prevent
field from being used through search function (14 June 2022)
Security Enhancements
* Apply more strict sanitization to merge tag values
= (22 September 2021)
- Ensure sanitized values enables spaces between classNames
= (21 September 2021)
- Ensure cached value of form is stored with sanitized value
= (15 September 2021)
- Resolved security vulnerability of admin+ stored XSS on form design
= 3.5.8 (07 September 2021)
- Resolved security vulnerability in the submissions route. Responsibly reported by Chloe Chamberland at Wordfence.
- Resolved an issue that rarely caused submission to fail on forms containing a multiselect field.
- Updated several of our build dependency packages.
- Automated build and deploy to SVN.
3.5.7 (5 July 2021)
- Resolved an error that was causing the plugin to crash on sites using a PHP version below 7.0.
3.5.6 (29 June 2021)
- Bulk resend email should now properly populate the email subject line instead of using a default value.
- Repeatable fieldset data should now display properly in the submission block.
- Corrected an issue that was preventing forms from displaying when repeatable fieldsets contained a date field, a rich text enabled paragraph field, or a field with a custom mask.
- When set, the submission limit should now be properly enforced on submissions made via forms loaded before the limit was reached.
- Move to trash should once more be available in the bulk actions on the submissions page.
3.5.5 (07 June 2021)
- Added support for Google Recaptcha V3.
- Added a new option to resend email actions from the submissions table.
- Added the ability to export multiple form submission CSVs at once.
- Escape query args for enhanced security – Responsibly reported by Erwan at WP Scan
- Fixed a bug that caused an extra : to be shown in the date field on older forms.
- Fixed a bug with field settings that caused some settings to not show when they should have.
- Multiple Recaptchas on the same page should work properly.
3.5.4 (21 April 2021)
- The Date Field is now the Date/Time Field. This field now allows for Date, Time, and Date & Time selection.
- Fixed a bug that caused ReCaptcha fields to fail if more than one appeared on the page.
- Fixed a conflict with iThemes that was causing a fatal error.
3.5.3 (1 April 2021)
- Final deprecation phase of Ninja Forms 2.9x codebase.
3.5.2 (24 March 2021)
- Removed some legacy settings that were no longer required for new installs.
- Resolved an issue that was causing errors when Array values were used in API requests.
- The Ninja Forms block should now fill the entire width of the block editor.
- Fixed an error that was causing a depreciated method warning when using the classic editor.
- Forms should now display again in Internet Explorer 11.
- Resolved an issue that was causing the Ninja Forms dashboard to crash if there was an issue with wp_cron.
- Fixed some PHP warnings related to our checkbox list field.
3.5.1 (17 February 2021)
- Resolved an issue that was always causing required checkbox list fields to throw a required error on submission.
- The Ninja Forms block should now properly display the form in the page editor if WordPress has been installed in a subdirectory.
- Cleaned up a few notices and warnings that were displaying on sites running PHP 8.
3.5.0 (15 February 2021)
- Repeatable Fieldsets have arrived! For a quick look at how to get those setup, check out our new documenation for them.
- Our block editor code should now only load on pages where it is actually needed, leading to less page load time in the admin dashboard. (14 June 2022)
Security Enhancements
* Apply more strict sanitization to merge tag values (8 February 2021)
- Added a missing permissions check in our services connection manager reported responsibly by Chloe Chamberland at Wordfence.
- Patched a potential XSS vulnerability in our querystring merge tag.
- Added a missing filter that should have been excluding some personal information fields from the CSV attachment on Email Actions.
3.4.34 (25 January 2021)
- Forms should once again load properly in Internet Explorer 11.
- Updated our dashboard styling to resolve an issue where some translations were resulting in action buttons being obscured.
- Updated our dashboard styling to resolve an issue where some translations were resulting in action buttons being obscured.
- Restored drag and drop functionality for adding fields in the form builder.
- Patched a couple of vulnerabilities in our services oAuth controller reported responsibly by Chloe Chamberland at Wordfence.
3.4.33 (9 December 2020)
- Cleaned up a few conflicts with WordPress version 5.6.
- Toggle switches in the form builder should now be working as expected.
- Pre-selected options for lists should now persist properly in the form builder.
- Element styling of some buttons should properly reflect the active or inactive status of the button.
3.4.32 (16 November 2020)
- Patched an issue with our new date field library that was causing it to display improperly on some mobile devices.
3.4.31 (12 November 2020)
- Our date field library has been updated! For you developer types out there, we’ve switched from pikaday to flatpickr.
- Updated some of our form builder scripts in preparation for WordPress 5.6.
- Fixed a visual issue that sometimes allowed the Ninja Forms Dashboard view to extend beyond the width of the browser window.
- Resolved an error that sometimes caused an error message to appear when loading the Dashboard for the first time on a new installation.
- Resolved an error in our termslist field that caused the form builder to crash if you opened a form that was previously mapped to a term that had been deleted.
- Resolved an error that was sometimes causing PDF exports or emails with PDF attachments to fail.
3.4.30 (22 September 2020)
- Resolved an issue that was causing a fatal error on sites running PHP 5.6 or older.
3.4.29 (18 September 2020)
- Added missing dependency for our blocks.
3.4.28 (18 September 2020)
- The Views Table Block has arrived!
- Updated the Ninja Forms Block to be more in-line with current Gutenberg conventions.
- Improved the efficiency of submission limit checks.
- The SendWP service can now be linked to the Ninja Forms dashboard.
- Apps & Integrations are now grouped by category for easier sorting.
- Updated color contrast of the form builder to be WCAG compliant.
- Custom Action now requires developer mode to be enabled.
- Updated the File Upload form template.
- Corrected improperly named filter for save action settings.
- Cleaned up some improperly escaped code on our get help page.
- Updated graphics associated with our add-ons to make them display properly.
- Corrected an issue that was causing the password field on our settings page to not properly save values.
- Increased the priority of our form builder class to ensure it properly loads over other elements on the page.
- Field duplication no longer improperly updates the target of calculations.
- Corrected the order of our submenu items.
- Added escaping for HTML content of fields in the submissions table. (17 September 2020)
- Patched a CSRF vulnerability in our services integration reported responsibly by Slavco Mihajloski.
- Patched a validation bypass vulnerability in our email field.
3.4.27 (9 September 2020)
- Resolved an issue that sometimes caused the merge tag menu to not open properly in the form builder.
3.4.26 (25 August 2020)
- Sites with WP_DEBUG enabled should no longer display a deprecated parent error on PHP version 7.4.
- Resolved an issue that was preventing our Screen Options settings from being saved on the submissions page.
3.4.25 (12 August 2020)
- Resolved an issue that caused settings changed with a toggle switch to not be saved on WordPress 5.5. (21 May 2020)
- Patched an HTML injection vulnerability in our deprecated 2.9x codebase reported responsibly by Dave Job.
- Corrected an error in our required field validation that was allowing targeted spam through the submission process. (28 April 2020)
- Fixed Cross-Site Request Forgery(CSRF) to stored Cross-Site Scripting(XSS) reported responsibly by Ramuel Gall (Wordfence Threat Intelligence Team). (5 March 2020)
- Patched an HTML injection vulnerability in our merge tag system. Many thanks to Tom Standley at ContainCo for practicing responsible disclosure.
3.4.24 (2 March 2020)
- User permission filters should now work as expected.
- Select image fields should now work properly when dev mode is disabled.
- Resolved an error that was causing php warnings on some API calls.
- Email settings should now properly read email addresses surrounded by <> characters.
- Resolved an error that was causing deprecated function warnings in php error logs.
- Forms with calculations should now display properly on sites using a “formal” language setting.
- Export should now properly appear as an option in the bulk actions on the submissions page.
- Resolved an error that was preventing the add-on manager from installing plugins.
- Add-on updates will now enforce php requirements if the current version on the installation is below the minimum for the add-on.
3.4.23 (12 February 2020)
- Patched a delayed XSS vulnerability in our email action.
- Hardened the authorization security on our settings page.
- Patched a stored XSS vulnerability on our settings page.
- Ninja Forms should now properly honor user profile language settings if they are not the site default.
- Opening the form builder should no longer result in a php warning about an invalid argument.
- Cleaned up our publish code to avoid a few other php warnings.
- Updated our event registration template to be more accessibility compliant. (4 February 2020)
- Hardened the authorization security on several of our form endpoints.
- Audited all translation functions to prevent injection attacks.
3.4.22 (21 November 2019)
- The unique field restriction should no longer block payment actions from completing.
- Corrected an error that was preventing the current list of favorite fields from displaying in any location.
- Updated some of our builder styles to account for updates in WordPress 5.3.
- Corrected an error that sometimes caused the images in the select image field to not be found.
- Disabled an internal error logging function that was sometimes causing bloat in our database tables.
- Email actions now support file attachments from the WordPress media library.
3.4.21 (11 November 2019)
- Added a missing label to our honeypot field, in case styling errors somehow make it visible.
- Removed an errant console message from our admin dashboard.
- Resolved an issue that was sometimes resulting in warnings being written to logs on form load.
- Modified our Gutenberg block to prevent it from displaying improperly on Bedrock installations.
- The select image field has arrived!
- Added functionality for resetting the public link on a form.
- Forms in the dashboard can now be sorted by shortcode (ID).
- Added merge tags for form title, form id, and username (if authenticated).
3.4.20 (19 September 2019)
- Resolved an issue that was causing public links to fail on duplicated forms.
- The merge tag selector box in the form builder should no longer appear halfway off the page on smaller screen sizes.
- Long field keys should no longer cause the merge tag list to cover up the categories in the merge tag selector box.
- Resolved an issue that was causing some actions to fail after returning from a redirected payment gateway.
- List field options on imported forms should now appear in the correct order in the form builder.
3.4.19 (16 September 2019)
- Resolved an error that rarely caused form import to output as successful, when it had actually failed.
- The unique field restriction should no longer honor “nothing” as a valid value.
- Removed some deprecated dependencies that were throwing notices in the block editor.
- Updated list field item import in the form builder to make it less confusing.
3.4.18 (15 August 2019)
- SendWP registration should no longer cause an error when the SendWP plugin is already installed.
- Resolved an issue that was causing several of our action settings to display improperly in Firefox.
- Corrected a problem that was sometimes causing submission of forms with a PayPal action to fail.
- Added currency support for the Chinese Yuan.
3.4.17 (12 August 2019)
- Removed an outdated template that was localizing a couple server variables.
- Currency masks should no longer prevent text fields from working properly in calculations.
- …