Copy-Paste and edit php and other codes in CodeMirror, preview the result within popup and simply add it to posts, pages, and widgets using shortcodes.
What are shortcodes?
Shortcodes are an elegant manner to include piece of code in your wordpress content. For example you can use it to manage form codes from Mailchimp, poMMo, SG-Autorepondeur or other autoresponders, using php code to collect date or geolocalize your visitors, etc. WordPress will then automatically replace shortcode like [sce name=”myshortcode”] with the content of your choosing AND will be able to execute code within it.
Why use Shortcode Express?
Derived from the excellent Shortcode Manager WP plugin (many thanks to Matt Gibbs), Shortcode Express make the shortcode management more intuitive and easier for integrating with posts, pages and widgets.
- Add shortcodes within Tools -> Shortcode Express.
- Use [sce name=”myshortcode”] within your posts, pages or widgets.
Please support the plugin
As said, your ratings and donations REALLY make a BIG difference!
- Upload ‘shortcode-express’ to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory
- Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
- Click on Tools -> Shortcode Express to get started
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Aldaketen loga
- First version of Shortcode Express, based on Shortcode Manager v1.4.0