SlimFAQ provides a simple FAQ platform and great integration with Intercom and as a sidebar on WordPress.
This plugin generates the Javascript install code to integrate all of this functionality into your WordPress-powered web app.
To use the plugin you must have a SlimFAQ account. You can sign up for free and add a great FAQ to your WordPress web app.
This plugin is fully compatible with the Official Intercom WordPress plugin.
- Upload the slimfaq-for-wordpress folder to your wp-content/plugins/ directory.
- Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress.
- Go to the settings page.
- Enter your FAQ ID.
- Choose if you like to show the sidebar for logged out users and whether to integrate with Intercom.
- Highly recommended: if you are using Intercom, get the Official Intercom WordPress Plugin.
How do I get started?
This plugin only works with a SlimFAQ account. You can get started for free at
Where can I find my FAQ ID?
After signing up for a SlimFAQ account, you can find your FAQ ID in your FAQ’s settings page.
Can I display the FAQ to users who have not logged in?
Just enable the “show for logged out users” flag on the settings page.
How do I integrate SlimFAQ with Intercom?
Install and setup the Official Intercom WordPress Plugin – then install the SlimFAQ plugin. In the SlimFAQ settings, enable “Integrate with Intercom”.
Can I completely disable the snippet on certain pages?
Sure, just use the ll_slimfaq_output_snippet
filter. Here’s an example:
add_filter( 'll_slimfaq_output_snippet', 'no_slimfaq_on_page_10' ); function no_slimfaq_on_page_10( $show ) { if ( is_page( 10 ) ) return false; return true; }
Does this plugin work on older versions of WordPress or PHP?
Possibly, but I’ve not tried. I can only provide support if you’re using the latest version of this plugin together with the latest version of WordPress and PHP 5.2.4 or newer.
Ez dago berrikuspenik plugin honentzat.
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“SlimFAQ” software librea da. Ondoko pertsonek egin dizkiote ekarpenak plugin honi.
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Aldaketen loga
1.1.1 (18th June 2016)
- Cleanup naming and use HTTPS for all links to the plugin.
1.1 (15th June 2016)
- Remove user role setting; mention the Official Intercom WordPress plugin. Change name to SlimFAQ.
1.0 (14th June 2016)
- Initial release, based on Intercom for WordPress Plugin