Pluginaren Etiketa: realtime
Slack Notifications by dorzki
(23 balorazioak)Get WordPress notifications to your team's Slack channel.
heatmap for WordPress – Realtime analytics
(19 balorazioak)Real-time analytics and event tracking for your WordPress sites.
Live Carts for WooCommerce: Track Real-Time, Abandoned, and Converted Carts!
(2 balorazioak)Monitor your customers' current and past WooCommerce shopping carts via the WordPress admin.
Muut – Commenting and Forums Re-Imagined
(19 balorazioak)Muut represents a complete re-imagination of what internet discussion forums and commenting should be. It’s a modern, fast, highly scalable discussion …
Realtime analytics for the web
(2 balorazioak)Understand your website with – Realtime analytics for the web.
(3 balorazioak)Realtime collaborative editing for WordPress content, powered by Etherpad Lite.
WP TogetherJS
(3 balorazioak)Easily integrate Mozilla's TogetherJS collaboration system into a Wordpress site.
Realtime Comments
(2 balorazioak)Accepted comments from users are added to pages in real-time, without need to refresh. Makes comments section work interactively, like a chatroom.
Realtime Bitcoin Chart
(0 balorazioak)This plugin allow your display price chart of bitcoin on your site. You can add it to sidebar or page content. Installation After download the zip …
Real Time Comments With Pusher
(0 balorazioak)Display comments in real time via ajax or pusher api.
(0 balorazioak)Wave by Codox enables teams to real-time co-edit and co-iterate posts directly in your WordPress site.
WP Mercure
(0 balorazioak)Add WordPress integration of Mercure protocol and add realtime post modification.
Product Watcher – Display Realtime Product Viewer Count to Your Customers
(0 balorazioak)The easiest way to show realtime product visitor count to your WooCommerce customers