Why So Slow?


This plugin will allow you to easily remove bloat and turn off unused features, in order to streamline your website and reduce file requests.

It also includes the following additional functionality:
– Include instant.page library (v5.1.0) with settings
– Add Server-Timing headers to enable better debugging
– Use passive event listengers to improve scroll performance

This plugin is NOT a caching plugin, but should play well with any caching plugin you decide to use.


2024(e)ko irailaren 28(a)
Perfect for my needs, as it easily allows me to disable features that I don’t need, which streamlines my website and makes it load faster for my users.
2022(e)ko martxoaren 10(a) 3 replies
I believe update the name would make sense! Why so slow gives a bad first impression! Hope it helps.
Irakurri 4 berrikuspenak

Laguntzaileak eta Garatzaileak

“Why So Slow?” software librea da. Ondoko pertsonek egin dizkiote ekarpenak plugin honi.


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